SANTA FE - A cold weather system is set to sweep across New Mexico in the coming days, bringing sub-freezing temperatures, snow, and strong winds to much of the state.
Weather Forecast Overview:
Northern and central regions (Albuquerque, Santa Fe):
Highs: 35-45°F starting Wednesday.
Lows: 15-25°F Thursday and Friday, with wind chills lowering perceived temperatures further.
Snow: 0.5-1 inch in lowlands, 1-3 inches in mountainous areas.
Winds: 25-35 mph, leading to hazardous wind chills and low visibility.
Southern Regions (Las Cruces, Roswell):
Highs: Low 40s.
Lows: Near 25°F.
Snow: Scattered showers with light accumulation expected.
Winds: Up to 35 mph.
Eastern Plains (Clovis, Hobbs):
Highs: 32-40°F.
Lows: 19-25°F.
Snow: Possible snow showers and freezing rain, creating slick road conditions.
Winds: Strong gusts increasing wind chills and reducing visibility.
Public safety guidance:
The New Mexico Department of Health advises residents to prepare for cold-related health and safety risks.
Protect people and pets:
Dress in layers and use wool or waterproof gear.
Watch for symptoms of cold exposure, including shivering, numbness or confusion, and seek assistance if needed.
Infants, older adults, individuals with chronic illnesses, outdoor workers and the unhoused are at higher risk.
Bring pets indoors and provide them with warm bedding.
Prepare homes and vehicles:
Use heating devices safely and check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Keep emergency supplies and blankets in vehicles when traveling.